Blog - Acceleration Academies

LCAA Provides Personalized Help to Meet Student's Needs

Written by Jeffrey Good | May 17, 2024 1:37:00 PM

Struggling with family issues and his own mental health, Alex Parker missed a lot of school during his sophomore and junior years. Entering senior year at his former, traditional, high school, he faced the possibility of not being able to graduate on time. 

Alex has ambitions to go to firefighting school and become an emergency medical technician. If there was a way to avoid spending another year in high school, he wanted to find it. 

He found it at Lee County Acceleration Academies (LCAA) in Ft. Myers, FL. 

By taking advantage of the personalized curriculum LCAA offers, Alex found he could make up for lost time and move more quickly toward his goals. 

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To make progress, Alex says, he needs help. In his old school, with its crowded classrooms, that was hard to come by. 

“I couldn’t get the one-on-one help I needed,” he says. “You get two minutes and she’s on to the next person.” 

Enrolling at LCAA, Alex has found a calm, uncrowded atmosphere and educators who stand ready to support him in every way they can. Especially helpful has been math coach Jeffrey Aquillo. 

“He sits there and helps me go through the notes and work with me on the problems,” says Alex. “Now I can understand the math and do well on my quizzes.” 

Among classmates at his old school, “there was always a fight,” he says. At LCAA, “It’s friendly. Some people are quiet. Some people are outgoing.” 

“Everyone gets the same help.”