5 Reasons to Drop Out of High School and Why You Should Rethink Them
November 13, 2023 | Tracie Hummel
High school sucks. I hate high school.I want to drop out of high school. Should I drop out of high school?
Our Blog
November 13, 2023 | Tracie Hummel
High school sucks. I hate high school.I want to drop out of high school. Should I drop out of high school?
November 10, 2023 | Jeffrey Good
For Bryce Dittman, a traditional high school with its bustling classrooms and hectic hallways proved an exercise in distraction. “It was a draining environment,” he says. “I couldn’t really learn.”
November 8, 2023 | Jeffrey Good
Pedro Suazo is 20. It wasn’t so long ago that he thought he’d never walk across the stage to receive his high school diploma. The seemingly mile-high obstacle in his way — geometry.
November 3, 2023 | Jeffrey Good
When Reannah Bautista became Acceleration Academies’ 5000th graduation candidate this week, she didn’t just create a milestone for the nationwide network of personalized high school programs.
November 3, 2023 | Jeffrey Good
Bryanna Olalde’s mom came to South Carolina to give her children a shot at a better life than they might have had in Tijuana, Mexico. The key to that life, she firmly believes, is education.
November 2, 2023 | Jeffrey Good
The first-ever class of graduates at Gwinnett County Acceleration Academies (GCAA) celebrated their success in a commencement ceremony featuring inspiring words, joyful shouts and the pride felt by a group of young people who had worked hard to achieve their dream of a diploma.
October 31, 2023 | Jeffrey Good
Bethany Leggio looked out at her fellow members of the Wichita Acceleration Academies Class of 2023, at the family members and friends who had supported them on an often-arduous journey, at the educators who had never let them give up.
October 26, 2023 | Acceleration Academies
High school can be difficult, and many students question if it’s even worth it. With how challenging the coursework can be and how scheduling issues come up, it’s normal to wonder if you should just drop out of high school.
October 24, 2023 | Acceleration Academies
When it comes to completing high school, there is no “right” way to finish. Every student has their own needs, and traditional high school tracks can’t always fill those needs. Each school year, students everywhere pursue alternatives to traditional school to obtain their high school diploma. And...
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